Yoda Labs

Practical, simple, free apps that improve personal well being.


Currently ranked #1 Reiki App in the Google Play store! This app will help guide Reiki attuned students through self-treatment sequences they can use to get started on a daily Reiki practice or enhance an existing practice. The sequence(s) uses traditional hand positions as taught under the Usui System of Natural Healing also known as Usui Shiki Ryoho.

Go to Google Play App>>

Timed breathing

Through increasing awareness of our breathing through simple but powerful timing exercises we are able to more quickly realize some of the many benefits of meditation. This app comes with several customizable settings – including breath cycle, sounds played during each cycle, and the timing of each breathing exercise.

Go to Google Play App>>

Coming soon!

The following apps are in development:
  • Guided meditation lessons (audio and visual)
  • Meditation timer
  • Wisdom quote generator